Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to Remove "Seen" in Facebook Chatting

Our Facebook Fan Page has reached 2000+ LIKES. Its great news and thanks to each and every LIKERS. So today I thought to share an information about Facebook.

In day to day Facebook developers are introducing lot of new facilities. In that list they have recently introduced “massage seen” facility. 

How to Disable Facebook Seen Facility

What is this Seen facility on Facebook?

You have sent a message to your friend while chatting on Facebook, but you don’t know whether he/she read the massage or not. To recover this problem, Facebook developers have introduced this seen option. You can confirm whether he/she has read your massage or not with this seen facility. Really this is one of the useful facility on Facebook. But sometimes this facility gives irritations too.

Now we can disable seen facility on Facebook by using an extension on Google chrome.

Some people doesn’t like to chat with all the friends at the same time.
For example let’s assume that your friend has send a massage as follows 

How to Disable Facebook Seen Facility

But you didn't reply to his message. When you meet him, he starts to scold that you didn't reply to his message. 

But if you have already installed Facebook Unseen on your web browser, you can tell a small lie to him that “I didn't see your message yet”. If you have installed Facebook Unseen on your PC, your friends won’t know when you have “seen” their messages. 

After installation you can control seen facility as your wish. If you don’t want seen facility on your Facebook, you can simply disable this option by clicking Facebook Unseen ON.

If you want this facility again on your account, you can get this by clicking Facebook Unseen OFF

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